Processes of photosynthesis

  1. The processes of photosynthesis need water, light and carbon dioxide.
  2. Photosynthesis need a green plant or prokaryote.
  3. In plant, the process begin when it rainsand when you breathe out carbon  dioxide.It takes the carbon dioxide through the leaves and the  water through the roots of the plants. They then mix together in chlorophlly where the light is trapped.
    Plant need water, light and carbon dioxide to make it own food.
  4. Root take in water for the plant and stem transport the water to the leaves.
  5. Sun provide light to the plant for it to make food .
    Carbon Dioxide
  6. When we breathe out carbon dioxide plant take it in.


The importance of photosynthesis

  1. Without the sunlight, plant will die because it does not have sunlight to survive.
  2. Without sunlight not only will affect the plant it will also affect us.

    If there was no photosynthesis,the provision of oxygen by the tree would lost and it would lead in increasing the degress of the global warming as a poinsonous accu mulate in the atmosphere.

    Without photosynthesis, there will be no have plant and animal in the world.

    Without photosynthesis,there will not have plant for humun and animal to eat.

    It is important because it convert solar is produced from water and carbon dioxide by green plant
    in the presence of sunlight and carbon dioxide.

How wil it the plant and animal if there is no photosynthesis

 Without photosynthesis is the world will because blue instead in will turn black and white.

Not only plants will die we humanswill also die.

Without photosynthesis,we humanwill not free oxygen to breath.

Without photosynthesis,there will be no more plantsand animals in the world.
